24 March 2014

Personal Progress Part II

Overview for Young Women 
Purpose of Personal Progress
from lds.org

Personal Progress will help you strengthen your faith in and testimony of Jesus Christ as you learn His teachings and regularly apply them in your life.
The Personal Progress program uses the eight Young Women values to help you understand more fully who you are, why you are here on the earth, and what you should be doing as a daughter of God to prepare for the day you go to the temple to make sacred covenants. It will help you prepare for your future roles as a faithful woman, wife, mother, and leader in God’s kingdom. Participating in Personal Progress teaches you to make commitments, carry them out, and report your progress to a parent or leader. The patterns you establish as you work on Personal Progress—such as prayer, scripture study, service, and journal keeping—will become personal daily habits. These habits will strengthen your testimony and help you learn and improve throughout your life.

Attend sacrament meeting regularly (where possible).

Live the standards in For the Strength of Youth.

Complete the value experiences and value project for each of the eight values.

Keep a personal journal.

Attend seminary or participate in independent study (where available).

Read the Book of Mormon regularly.

Record your testimony of the Savior Jesus Christ.

You will complete six experiences (three required and three elective) and one ten-hour project in each of the first seven Young Women values. For the value of virtue, you will complete four required experiences and the required project of reading the Book of Mormon. 
 The 8 Young Women Values
