21 October 2013

Japan: Elementary School

Elementary school children wear yellow hats. In our experience, an older student walked from house to house or street and gathered the young students one-by-one. They walked to school in a line - all in their yellow hats. The fabric tags pinned to their shirts are their names and classrooms.  


Taking shoes off when you enter school is required. There are even specific slippers provided to wear in the bathrooms. Cubbies are outside under a car port like structure.  This photo shoes students’ street shoes.  School is in session.

This photo shows students' school shoes. Parents pay for these shoes and they are taken home on a regular schedule to be cleaned. 


The play ground at the elementary school in Okitsu in 2002. It is all asphalt.  Never at an American school!  The next picture gives the scale of the Mt. Fuji shaped structure. 

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The swings are wooden boards and they stand when swinging.

They also have hats – reversible – red and white.  This is for PE and the colors indicate what scrimmage team you are on.

All students learn the recorder and the kenban hamonika

Classrooms have pianos

Lunch is served in the classrooms by the students.  They are hot lunches provided and made at the school's kitchens. The students bring their own place mats, napkins, and chopsticks. 

The students clean the school and school grounds.