19 January 2014

 My companion and I made cream stew on Friday. We are planning to have the stew twice this week. As I stir in the white cubes, the smell reminds me of the Japanese branch we went to when we were in Japan in 2002. The top floor where they had an electrical piano/organ and they had food because people traveled a long way- that is what I remember Dad explaining. 

On Friday we biked to the train station, talking to people all the way there. Talking to people at the station. We then ate the stew we brought (and also had it for lunch after we made it earlier) on the top floor of a store (there is benches and an open space). I bought my companion and I some strawberry milk from a vending machine. We also shared a cookie that we were given. Afterwards we talked to people on the way to an appointment. He was not there, we left a note taped to his door. We stopped by to see a family that doesn’t come to church anymore. Although we weren't able to talk with them I felt that what I was doing was right. Being there.

We left around 1pm and came back just before 9pm. We planned and completed a progress record for a meeting on Saturday. For study time that morning we worked  on Japanese, a Family History Fireside and set goals with my companion.